HMB Passegiato

Friday June 26th Main Street, Half Moon Bay gets closed down for this Chamber of Commerce event. Join me at Cowboy Fish Co. from 6-9pm for live music and free* appetizers.
Cowboy Fish Co.
730 Main Street
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
*This summer Recology of the Coast, the City of Half Moon Bay, the Half Moon Bay Review and the Half Moon Bay Coastside Chamber of Commerce and Visitors’ Bureau are bringing Coastside locals and visitors alike five opportunities to enjoy a Coastside Passeggiata with their friends and neighbors to listen to great music, eat great food, taste wine, enjoy cocktails, watch cooking demonstrations and more!
On the last Friday of each month from May through September (May 29, June 26, July
31, August 28, September 25) from 6:00-9:00pm, the Coastside will come alive with the
Coastside Passeggiata. This restaurant and retail event encourages residents and visitors
to enjoy special offers from participating restaurants and shops on the Coast from Montara to Pescadero each month during the summer season, through the purchase of a passport.
How it works: Purchase a “Passaporto” for $25 ($300+ value), from the Chamber or other
participating locations, which is good for the entire 2015 season dates (May 29, June 26,
July 24, August 28 and September 25 from 6-9pm). The Passaporto will list the
participating shops, restaurants and wine tasting locations. Participants can stroll from
restaurants to retail stores while enjoying music and activities along the way.